Windows effect and customization engine offering effect repositories, desktop scripting, support for using 3rd part customization software and offering over 25+ inbuilt amazing effects like:
-Desktop shadows-Turn windows transparent, click-through while desktop is selected. Can be selected from this mode by hovering mouse with left button pressed.
-Window fading on creation, destroy, minimize
-Contrast screen-Creates contrast between active and non-active windows
-Taskbar and start menu transparency - Turns Your taksbar and start menu transparent
-Taskbar and start menu blur-Turns You taskbar and start menu transparent with blurred background.
-Taskbar shadow-Makes taskbar drop shadow
-Transparency on window move and resize-While moving on resizing window it will become transparent
-Opaque window on mouse hoover - turn window opaque when mouse is over it's area, and turn it transparent when it's outside
-Transparent menu popups - Turn popup menus transparent with fading
-Transparent window borders-Turn some window borders transparent using native borders theme.
-Invisible desktop-Hide icons on desktop when it isn't focused.
-Window kinetics-Window will its momentum during move
-Jelly windows-Deform window shape depending on direction of its move in wobbly style
-Fluid windows-Deform window shape during move like it would be made from fluid
-Window bounce-Makes window bounce on activation
-Creation sparkle-Creates sparkle on window title bar at window creation
-Contrastful windows-Decrease saturation of non-active windows
-Window quiver-Minimizes or restore non-active windows on active window quiver movement
-Window edge maximize-Maximizes window to half-width of screen when moved outside the screen edge.
-Window edge snap - Make windows snap to each other and screen edge.
-Minimize non-active window - Minimizes non-active windows
-Picture wallpaper-board-Generate wallpaper filled with random images from User picture folder or Nimi folder in application data folder
- Picture highlight - Generate wallpaper containing one image from User picture folder, highlighted on adapted background.
-Fluid wallpaper - wallpaper is being like made of fluid
- Screen frost - Generate effect of covering wallpaper with frost.
-Smooth wallpaper - smooths wallpaper image
-Showcase- Press Windows key and tabulator to switch windows in showcase.
More information on [link] (videos etc.)
X line codename: Bastet
10.1 31052009
-updated two cores (detection etc.)
-added new graphic engine short name nimioru
-added new GUI
-added repositories
-3rd part software and Bastet scripts support
-added few new effects like fluid windows, opaque window on mouse hoover etc.
-updated few effects like picture highlight, rewritten for using new graphics core core
#list is long, it got over 100+ updates, new features, code revision etc.
-updated effects and core
-fixed few problems
#I managed to create environment perfect for testing - resulting in fixing a lot of bugs and problems.
-new core
-updated effects
-added new effects
-fixed few things
#more information soon
9 codename: Mirage
+updated Jelly Windows to 4.0
+added transparent window borders
+added Mirage core and Nimiovercast graphics engine
+updated a lot of plugins and core
+updated center - redesigned, added compatibility options with other effects
8 RC5 codename: Reflection
+updated Jelly Windows to 3.3
+replaced some graphic functions
+optimized code
(rest of chagelog removed - page would be too long)
Tested under: Vista Home Basic, XP
Reported to work: Vista, Windows 7
Possibly, would also work on: 2000
- Read more about Nimi Visuals X in Vietnamese language:
- Size: 472 KB
- Download here
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